This is a guided session of the Emotional Freedom Technique Xtra to Eliminate Self-Doubt.

If you would like to know more about the ‘how and why’ it works then click here.

 The Best Way to Eliminate Negative Emotions – Emotional Freedom Technique Xtra

This guided session uses a specific frequency sound technology to rapidly switch your stress response off and reprogram your brain.

To get this benefit you must listen with headphones.

The EFT-x Process:

#1. Pick something you have Self-Doubt about.

#2. Score yourself on a scale of 1-10 on how intense it is, 10 being max.

#3. Do the guided EFT-x session focusing on this Self-Doubt..

#4. Score yourself again from 1-10 on how intense the emotion is.

#5. Repeat as needed to clear yourself of any Self-Doubt about anything.

Here are the 10 points used in the EFT-x Process.

Fully Guided Session to Eliminate Self-Doubt.

Listen with Headphones.

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