Subconscious Block to Change refer to deeply ingrained cognitive, emotional, and behavioral patterns that can impede personal development and metamorphosis. These hindrances originate from our unconscious mind, making them arduous to detect and surmount. Nevertheless, through self-awareness, introspection, and specialized treatments like hypnosis and EMDR, these obstacles can be recognized and remedied, resulting in a more satisfying life. 

The most effective way to change subconscious blocks is with The Gamma Mindset Technique(c). This is the only technique in psychology scientifically proven to increase self-belief, confidence and performance by reprogramming the mind. Take a watch of the video demonstration to see Dr Walton test his clients subconscious mind, find the blocks and reprogram them in 5 minutes !

Over the last 25 years I’ve tested over 2000 people to see if they have a ‘Subconscious Block to Change’ at the Subconscious level of their Mind.

Amazingly over 85% people have…

As the old saying goes;

‘The only people that really like change, are wet babies’

Subconscious Block to Change Babby Nappy Change Image

We have conditioned ourselves to think of ‘change’ as stressful, uncomfortable, taking something away from us, and having less.

On a rational conscious level, we probably do not think like this. However, this is a deeply embedded program in our subconscious mind.

Caveman Days

This program stems from our caveman days where we were constantly on the lookout for any changes in our environment that could threaten our safety and survival.


This safety and survival pattern is still live within our brains and minds today and drastically effects the quality of our lives.

brain network

If we want to be healthy and thrive in the rapidly changing world we live in, we must consciously and subconsciously view ‘change’ as a positive thing.

We need to see ‘change’ as bringing us more opportunity, allowing us to do more, be more and have more.

At a fundamental level, we require a belief in our ability to prosper and achieve success in a changing environment.

What does believing that ‘you can safely change’ actually mean?

This implies that your internal monologue, emotional responses, and physical sensations give you the assurance that you have the ability to succeed, flourish, and accomplish your objectives.

Your fundamental state is one of self-assurance and confidence.

Anxiety, fear, and self-doubt are not present within you.

You have no negative inner dialogue telling you, you can’t, you’ll fail or you won’t be able to succeed

Seeing change as a normal part of life, while remaining in a state of flow, is achievable.

In order to be in a state of flow with change, most of us need to revise our subconscious beliefs.

The Subconscious Change Test.

You might not have the ability to perform muscle testing like in the video, but this ‘subconscious self-test’ is equally as accurate.

Here are the 6 Core Subconscious Beliefs that you must internalize in order to thrive and achieve success in a changing world.

Put your hand on your gut, close your eyes and say each one to yourself.

Rate each core belief statement from 0 to 100% based on how much you believe it, using your ‘gut feel subconscious system’.

You should provide each answer within 3 seconds since it is a subconscious reaction, not a rational thought process.

#1 It is Safe For Me to Change.

#2 I Deserve to Change.

#3 All of my Body Parts are Ready, Willing and Able to Change.

#4 It is Natural for Me to Change.

#5 It is in My Best and Highest Good to Change.

#6 I Love Myself Enough to Change.

How did you do ?

Are these 100% integrated into your subconscious mind?

This could be your next step…

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