When you wake up in the morning and become conscious of who you are, you witness the most mysterious phenomena in the world; Human Consciousness.

No-one knows what makes a human being conscious, it is a complete mystery. The mainstream assumption is that consciousnesses comes from the brain. That somehow the activity of the brain gives us consciousness and allows us to be self aware.

However this view has been superseded now and the new science is very clear. Consciousness does not arise from the brain, it is something different, it is that non-physical part of us, a flow of energy and information that connects us to each other and the living world.

As Professor Gary Schwartz of (just about everything) tells us;

‘If you follow where our research is going in our lab and other labs, it leads us to the conclusion that we are all interconnected through our consciousness and energy; therefore, we need to become conscious of this and transform our consciousness so we can take more responsibility for the effects that we are having’.

Gary Schwartz, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Neurology, Psychiatry, Medicine and Surgery.

We have moved from the belief in the universe being a great big clockwork machine, with human beings as purely physical individual machines made of physical parts, to a quantum interconnected universe full of energy and information, and where human beings radiate their emotional and mental energy and information out into the world.

Once scientists were able to detect and explore the subatomic world—the realm of energy and information fields—the world not only saw the rise of a new scientific paradigm, but it was profoundly changed across the board.

Many scientists, including the renowned psychologist Carl Jung, posit that human beings have both an individual mind and a collective mind. According to Jung, this collective mind, which he calls the collective unconscious, is a kind of universal psychic hardrive of our human history—including all of the world’s cultural myths, legends, symbols, and human reactions—that we are connected to and access through our mind.

He is not alone, thinkers and scientists past and present offer the same insight.

Two thousand years ago, Patanjali, the Hindu philosopher and Sanskrit writer of the Yoga sutras, taught that a nonlocal universal ‘mind’ was accessible as a sort of bank of information−called the Akashic records—and it  imprints all the information in the world, past and present.

It even contains information about the future. Some modern scientists and philosophers offer similar opinions.

For example, Professor Ervin Laszlo, esteemed philosopher and one of the fathers of systems theory, writes in his best-selling book, Science and the Akashic Field,

‘Recent discoveries in physics show this Akashic field is real. This field consists of a sea of fluctuating energies and information from which all things arise, from atoms and galaxies, stars and planets, living beings and even consciousness. This field is a memory bank of the entire universe from day one to now. It holds the record of all that ever happened on earth and in the cosmos and relates it to all that is yet to happen.’ 

Laszlo’s ‘A-field’, as he calls it, is not some metaphysical or spiritual mind field, but a real field predicted by quantum theory called the zero-point field.

All of our thoughts, feelings and actions—from the beginning of human history and extending into all of our possible futures—are energy and information fields. Everything in this world has a vibration, from subatomic energy and information fields to atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs to us as  human beings with a physical body.

We are literally first and foremost vibrational beings of energy and information encompassed in larger fields of energy. Our behaviours, then, are directed and determined not only by our nervous system and the physical and chemical processes that go on within our bodies, but also by the organising activity of the fields of energy and information that underlie and drive these chemical and physical processes. That we are energy beings has profound implications, because it means that we are connected to all other energy fields, including that of other human beings.

The new physics shows us that the universe is not a collection of discrete objects, but an holistic, integrative connected realm. Because everything in the universe is interdependent, at some level everything influences everything else.

Although the image below appears to show the realms of the universe as hierarchical, each realm is actually embedded in and even emerges from the level below it. All are connected at the deepest levels of reality. Each and every one of us is part of an interconnected global ‘mind’ at a subconscious level.


So when it come down to our individual human consciousness, we see that the brain is more like a satellite dish receiving information from the field of consciousness through the mind which then directs the brain of what signals to send into the body.



(With thanks to Dr.Bruce Lipton for the use of the original image.)

Actually, non-physical energetic communication is happening each and every moment whether you are aware of it or not. Professor Gary Schwartz tells us more;

“One persons consciousness and energy can affect the physicality, biochemistry, cellular function and conscious experience of someone else either locally in a closed proximity or even hundreds or thousands of miles away” 

This new scientific perspective is why personal change and transformation is so important. It pushes each and every one of us to make sure that our subconscious and conscious thoughts and feelings are in alignment, so that we are not broadcasting mixed messages to the universe, and to each other, but are clear and direct so that we can better and more easily manifest what we truly desire for ourselves for the greater good.