Ten of each, right?
In many areas of research, statistics rule, and so odds, or odds against chance to be more specific, play a huge role in this research. When research results consistently fall outside the bounds of chance results, researchers sit up and take notice because something important is happening – something that may defy known science.
Since extraordinary claims – such as the claim that mind can affect matter – require extraordinary evidence, researchers have to be extra careful in how they design their experiments. They have to try to control for all manner of influences that could be skewing the results. And that’s why some of the most intriguing and persuasive results to come out of ‘psi’ research all use random event generators (REGs).
Let me explain…
Random event generators (REGs, which are also sometimes called random number generators) are devices that are essentially electronic coin flippers. They are devices that are designed to produce output that is purely random.
Some forms of REGs produce strings of two numbers – ones and zeros – in completely random sequences. That is, they are always producing ‘chance’ results. Thus, the average string of ones and zeros (and there could be millions of them in one string), over time, would produce 50% ones and 50% zeros, although in no particular pattern.
If the result of a random/chance string were graphed, it would appear as a straight line. Any difference from the average (chance) would appear as a rising line if the odds against chance were in the positive range positive numbers, in other words more than expected by chance) or as a falling line if the odds against chance were in the negative range negative numbers, in other words less than would be expected by chance).
What better machine to use in such mind-matter experiments than a REG, which is accepted by the scientific community and designed to be purely random. Deviation from chance during a consciousness experiment, for example, almost guarantees that the reason for the deviation is the effect of consciousness on that machine.
That is why experiments using REGs have become the gold standard in much of psi and consciousness research.
There have been hundreds of experiments using REGs that
clearly show that intention can affect the machine.
Dean Radin, of the Noetic Sciences Institute, has both been involved in many of the most tightly controlled REG studies and also collated and reported on those done by others.
Using focused intention, regular people like you and me, with no special ‘psychic’ abilities, have been able to influence REGs to output non-random results;
Intend more ones, and more ones show up.
Intend more zeros, and there are more zeros.
It is not supposed to happen, but it does.
In fact, Radin did a meta-analysis of more than 490 studies of this type – where people were asked to intend to change the output of REGs and were successful – and the collective odds of this result happening by chance was 50,000 to 1! You wouldn’t bet against that would you.
Our minds are more powerful than we realise.
If you really believed that your mind could change physical matter and have a direct impact on the future you create, you would use your mind and intentions every day with full conviction.
The problem is most people do not believe this. It is too much of a stretch for most folks.
This my friends comes down to those darn belief systems again…
Perhaps its time to upgrade your beliefs to harness the power of your own mind and intentions…