Consciousness X

Prove to Yourself that You are More than a Physical Body and Realise What Your Full Potential Really Is…

Consciousness X is a Cutting Edge Program that Expands Your Mind to a New Understanding of Who You Are and How to Unleash Your Highest Potential…

Dr Chris Walton PhD

  • Experience and understand you are a being of energy and information in a physical body with unbounded potentials.
  • Develop lightning speed 6th sense intuition to know what to do for the best outcome.
  • Bring new information and ideas from the consciousnesses field through you into the world and make a difference.
  • Get direct access to the energy and information field of all possibilities.
  • Amplify your personal energy signature to maximise your ability to manifest your desires.

From the desk of Dr Chris Walton PhD

Dear Friend

We are at a unique time in human history, where scientific insights provide us with a deeper understanding of the mind–body relationship. The integration of this knowledge reveals to us our vast and powerful innate abilities—abilities as yet unrealised or untapped in most of us.

Without over-stating the facts, the evidence from the frontiers of research is that when we fully realise the power of our minds and expand our consciousness accordingly, our potential explodes, and is perhaps even limitless.

Our beliefs are the measure of how much of this potential we can access, what we can achieve, how exceptional we can be, how deeply we are fulfilled—and just about everything that determines who we are and the quality of our lives.

Frontier science is revealing the extent to which the mind must be thought of as an energy and information field that interpenetrates every cell of the body and spreads out beyond the body to connect to the entire cosmos and everything in it.

There is no doubt about it, experiencing yourself as being bigger than your physical body redefines who you think you are, what you think your potential is and what you can achieve. Each one of us broadcasts our own personal energy signature that expands beyond the body and is interconnected to an infinite field of energy and information where all the answers you need are available to you.

We can access this field of information by expanding and developing our mind, consciousness and energy.  This is what ‘Consciousness X’ does.

In the ‘Consciousness X Program’ you are guided through 10 powerful mind and consciousness expansion exercises. These exercises create a peak mind state increasing the power and coherency of your personal energy signature allowing you to awaken to a new reality with expanded potentials.

Just some of the benefits of the Consciousness X program:

  • Experience and understand you are a being of energy and information in a physical body with unbounded potentials.
  • Develop lightning speed 6th sense intuition to know what to do for the best outcome.
  • Bring new information and ideas from the consciousnesses field through you into the world and make a difference.
  • Get direct access to the energy and information field of all possibilities.
  • Amplify your personal energy signature to maximise your ability to manifest your desires.

“Chris is a leading expert in this cutting edge science and the Gamma techniques he teaches create deep change in your brain and body and give you the power to tailor your own destiny.”

Kazadi Kalangu M.D

Brain Surgeon and Professor of Neurosurgery, Vice President of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies.

“In over 40 years of coaching world class athletes and business executives to perform at their best, Chris’s Gamma Techniques are the most powerful and effective I’ve used.”

Ole Bloch

1980 Moscow Olympian and Executive Coach. Founder of the Institute of Management Coaching International.

Introducing Consciousness X

Here’s What’s Included…

  • Video Tuition: What is Consciousness Expansion?
  • Video Tuition: The Gamma Mindset Technique©
  • 10 Fully Guided Consciousness Expansion Audio Sessions.
  • Action Step Guides.

Consciousness X has 3 Sections:

Section 1: Boosting Your Personal Energy Signature

The first 4 exercises are designed to increase and expand your Personal Energy Signature – ‘to raise your vibe…’

  • Exercise 1 – The Grounded Energy State.
  • Exercise 2 – Full Direction Energy Flow.
  • Exercise 3 – Full Colour Spectrum Energy Flow.
  • Exercise 4 – Directing Energy Flow for Healing.

Section 2: Subconscious Mind Power

The next 4 exercises are designed for you to experience the power of your subconscious mind and to awaken a new level of that power for daily use.

  • Exercise 5 – Tracking Subconscious Emotions.
  • Exercise 6 – Asking Your Higher Consciousness.
  • Exercise 7 – Two Years From Now.
  • Exercise 8 – Telepathy and Thought Transfer.

Section 3: Expanding Beyond the Body

The final 2 exercises are for you to experience ‘The Transpersonal You’ – the you beyond your physical body and personality…

  • Exercise 9 – Becoming the Big You.
  • Exercise 10 – Gamma Space into Cosmic Consciousness.

Special Bonus #1

The 7 Biggest Subconscious Blocks to Success

  • Discover the 7 biggest blocks to success video from Dr Chris Walton testing over 2k people.
  • Includes Video Session and PDF Guide.

Special Bonus #2

The Power of Altered States of Consciousness

  • Discover how far your mind can really go!.
  • 21 page PDF Guide.


Here’s What You Get:

  • The Complete Consciousness X Program for Realising Your Full Potential.
  • 3 Key Modules Containing 10 Topics.
  • Introduction Video So You Know Exactly What to Do and When.
  • 10 Fully Guided Audio Sessions with Dr Chris Walton.
  • 10 PDF Guides – One for Each Topic.
  • Special Bonus #1 – The 7 Biggest Blocks to Success Video Session.
  • Special Bonus #2 – The Power of Altered States of Consciousness PDF Guide.
  • Priority Support As and When You Need It.
  • Access on Desktop, Tablet, Mobile – Learn on The Go.
  • Exclusive Members Only Access.

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