Dr Chris Walton PhD
Doctor of Integrative Medicine and a Performance Psychologist.

Gamma Mindset for
Stress Relief and Well Being

  • Switch your stress response off in just 30 seconds and create deep relaxation.
  • Create a state of profound healing and rejuvenation in your mind and body.
  • Reprogram your mind so that calmness is a baseline state of being.
  • Reprogram your mind so that high wellbeing is your natural state.
  • Start your day in the flow state for productive, enjoyable days.

From the desk of Dr Chris Walton PhD

Dear Friend,

I think most of us would agree that todays life can be stressful. Managing and minimising our stress is a very important thing to be able to do if we want to stay healthy and have a good level of well-being.

I created a technique which switches your stress response off in just 30 secs (or less) and allows you to reprogram your mind so that you can flow and thrive in a rapidly changing, often stressful world.

This technique creates a peak brain state called ‘Gamma’ which is where your brain goes into ‘optimal functioning mode’. Your brains stress centres switch off and are reset and you move into a flow state where you feel relaxed, productive and have easy access to your skills, knowledge and experience.

Calmness and relaxation become your baseline state and life is much easier from here…

In just 3 weeks at 6-10 mins a day this program has shown to eliminate anxiety and increase well-being by 40% !

About the Author

Meet Dr Chris Walton PhD

Dr. Chris Walton PhD is an internationally recognised expert in Integrative Medicine and Performance Psychology. He is a Specialist in Personal Change and Peak Performance.

Chris is the 2 x Best-Selling author of:

The Gamma MindsetCreate World Champion Self-Belief in 5 Minutes Per Day.

Peak Performance in 60 SecondsThe 4 Essentials to Maximise Your Energy, Resilience and Performance.

From over 25 years of research and exploration, Chris has created a cutting edge system to optimise the mind and body to maximise energy, performance and success.

Dissatisfied with the results from therapy, hypnosis and other change techniques, Chris set about finding a way to change the limiting programs of the subconscious mind and quickly eliminate stress. He used brain measurement instruments and cutting edge imaging technology, along with bio-feedback testing of 1000’s of clients, to measure the effects of his techniques.

This resulted in ‘The Gamma Mindset’ – A Scientifically Proven System that Creates Rapid and Profound Personal Change and Peak Performance.

Chris has coached 7 x World Champions, 3 World Record Holders, Olympic athletes and 1000’s of
Business Owners and Leaders to Optimal Health and Peak Performance.

3 Reasons to Create the Gamma Mindset on a Daily Basis

Direct Access to your Subconscious Mind

1. Rapid and Profound Changes to Your Mindset.

Through Chris’s consciousness and energy psychology research, he discovered how to create a unique brain wave signature that gives access to the subconscious mind in just 90 seconds ! This is known as The Gamma Mindset. This allows you to make rapid and profound changes to your self-belief, thinking patterns and emotional reactions and get all of you moving in the right direction with clarity, confidence and purpose.

Switches Off Your Stress Response

2. Switches Off Your Stress Response.

By applying the The Gamma Mindset you retrain your emotional fight flight brain so that fear, anxiety, worry and other emotional stress becomes a distant memory and states of flow, confidence and inspiration become your norm.

More Energy, Focus and Intuition

3. More Energy, Focus and Intuition.

The Gamma Mindset increases energy levels, willpower and is the most effective way to increase your ability to focus. In the Gamma state you have a very lucid mind and a penetrating focus, which sharpens your intuition and creativity.

The Gamma Mindset Creates the Peak Brain State to Access your Subconscious Mind in Just 90 Seconds!

brain waves horizontal
As we think, feel, take action and sleep, the electrical activity of the brain creates different frequency brain waves. These brain waves relate to different states of consciousness. We have 4 types of brain waves in a 24 hour day and night cycle, from beta to delta.

There is also a 5th type of brain wave called the gamma wave but these are usually very weak and difficult to detect. When you learn to produce gamma brain waves you create what’s called ‘neural synchrony’.

This fancy sounding scientific term simply means you activate more of your brains power as more of your brain cells ‘fire’ at the same time. This creates a higher state of consciousness and gives you access to information that is not normally available to you in normal waking states.

The Gamma Mindset Creates a ‘Peak Brain Signature’ of Gamma, Theta and Alpha Brain Waves.

In this Unique State of Consciousness, you can Integrate a New Positive Belief into Your Subconscious Mind in just 90 seconds !

Using the Gamma Mindset Technique on a Daily Basis Allows you to make Rapid and Profound Changes to Your Thinking Patterns, Self-Belief and Emotional Reactions.

In just 3 weeks at 6 – 10 mins per day this program eliminates stress and increases your well-being by 40% !

Not only that, but you reprogram your mind so that calmness and well-being are your natural baseline state of being.

Research into Gamma brain waves was conducted by Dr. Richard Davidson, a neuroscience professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He measured the brains of Buddhist Monks who had over 10,000 hours of meditation experience as they were performing a meditation.

He also measured a group of college students who were taught the same meditation. The Buddhists showed gamma brain wave activity, BUT the college students did not.

The Gamma Mindset Creates a Similar Brain Wave Signature to that of Buddhists with Over 10,000 Hours of Meditation experience!

“Gamma Waves may be seen as the muscles of the brain. Whenever you really need to achieve the utmost, physically or mentally, gamma waves are called for. Gamma training increases energy levels, willpower and is the most effective way to increase a person’s ability to focus. In the Gamma state you have a very lucid mind and a penetrating focus, which sharpens your intuition and creativity.”

Dr.Eric Hoffman PhD

Director Mental Fitness and Research Center in Copenhagen.

“We have astonishing potential to change the autopilot behaviours and patterns we have fallen into. Using the right tools and intentions, the potential for change within our nervous system, within our entire physiology is tremendous”

Dr. Andrew Newberg MD

Neuroscientist and Brain Imaging Expert.

The Gamma Mindset has 3 Scientific Validations:

1. Brain Scans Study.

24 Delegates Brains were Measured Whilst Doing The Gamma Mindset Technique.

Each Delegate Showed an Increase in Gamma, Theta and Alpha Brain Waves and a Reduction in Beta Waves in Just 90 Seconds!

This is a Scientific Breakthrough in Personal Change Techniques – No Other Technique Creates this Peak Brain Signature!

2. 1000’s of Bio-Feedback Pre and Post Muscle Tests.

1000’s of People Have Had Pre and Post Tests using The Gamma Mindset which Show Changes in the Subconscious Mind in Less Than 2 Minutes!

3. Using Cutting Edge Technology from Russian Scientists called Electro-Photonic Imaging.

This Shows the Changes The Gamma Mindset Makes to Your Energy, Stress and Your Personal Energy Signature.

Here is a Pre-Scan Showing the Person’s Stress is High and Energy is Low.

The High Stress and Low Energy Creates Gaps, Imbalances and a Lack of Coherence in the Person’s ‘Personal Energy Signature’.

This is the Persons Scan after a few minutes of going into the Gamma Mindset to Program a New Belief into Their Subconscious Mind.

You Will See their Stress has Returned to Normal and their Energy Has Gone into the Optimal Range.

This is their ‘Personal Energy Signature’ after a few minutes of going into the Gamma Mindset to Program a New Belief into Their Subconscious Mind.

You Will See No Holes or Gaps and a Fuller Stronger More Coherent Field Being Broadcast From Every Cell of Their Body.

Your Personal Energy Signature is Your Unique Vibration – ‘Your Vibes’.

This is Your Physical, Mental, & Emotional Vibes You Broadcast into Quantum Field 24 Hours a Day.

The Coherency of Your ‘Personal Energy Signature’ has a Huge Impact on What Shows Up in Your Life and the Type of Life You Create.

Stress Relief and Well Being Program

Fully Guided Video and Audio Sessions for Stress Relief and Well Being.

Learn the Gamma Mindset Technique ©

The Gamma Mindset Technique ©

First I teach you The Gamma Mindset Technique by video. Its simple and takes 2-3 mins to do.

This creates a peak brain state where your stress response is switched off and you create a profound healing and rejuvenation state in your body.

You can then update the programs in your mind so that you can process ‘stress’ healthy, make the best decisions and stay in flow.

The Stress Relief and Well Being Sessions

Session #1 Calm and Relaxed
Session #2 Optimal Health and Well Being
Session #3 Start Your Day
Session #4 ReCharge

What You Gain from Using The Gamma Mindset Stress Relief and Well Being Program

  • Switch your stress response off in just 30 seconds and create deep relaxation.
  • Create a state of profound healing and rejuvenation in your mind and body.
  • Reprogram your mind so that calmness is a baseline state of being.
  • Reprogram your mind so that high wellbeing is your natural state.
  • Start your day in the flow state for productive, enjoyable days.

Special Bonus Content Incuded When You Join Today

Video: Live workshop demonstration using The Gamma Mindset Technique
Video: See what happens in the brain when you do this technique.

What People Say about the Gamma Mindset

“Chris is a leading expert in this cutting edge science and the Gamma techniques he teaches create deep change in your brain and body and give you the power to tailor your own destiny.”

Kazadi Kalangu M.D.

Brain Surgeon and Professor of Neurosurgery. Vice President of the world Federation of Neurosurgical Societies.

“The Gamma Mindset is a wonderfully effective tool for personal growth, I highly recommend this as a guide for experiencing a life overflowing with success, peace, happiness and love.”

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD.

Cell Biologist and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles.

“This life changing system enabled me to achieve top results, including publishing an article in the Harvard Business Review and setting up a thriving consulting business”

Vlatka Hlupic

Professor of Business and Management, University of Westminster London

“In over 40 years of coaching world class athletes and business executives to perform at their best, Chris’s Gamma Techniques are the most powerful and effective I’ve used.”

Ole Bloch

1980 Moscow Olympian and Executive Coach. Founder of the Institute of Management Coaching International.

Join The Program

10 Day Money Back Guarantee

The Gamma techniques and principles Chris will coach you through are scientifically validated and life changing. They change the way your brain and mind works and allow you to access a whole new stage of your potential.Chris uses these techniques in his 1:1 performance psychology practice every week and teaches them in workshops around the world.

Now you get the chance to learn, apply and receive the huge benefits these techniques bring to your life in your own time, in your own privacy at your own pace. Tens of thousands of people from all walks of life have made spectacular life changes using them!

So, make a decision to maximise who you are, what you’re capable of, and what you want to enjoy out of your life. If you start the program and don’t feel like it is working for you, you can return the entire system at no cost to you within 10 days of purchase.


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