The Gamma Money Mindset

The Gamma Mindset© is a Scientifically Proven Method to Increase Self-Belief, Confidence and Performance.

  • Eliminate Blocks to Change
  • Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs, Fear, Self-Doubt and Anxiety about Money and Wealth
  • Eliminate Hidden Self-Sabotage Programs to Money and Wealth
  • Clear Your Financial Subconscious Money Set-Point
  • Get Clarity on Your Specific Money Goals to Maximise Your Results

From the desk of Dr Chris Walton PhD
Performance Psychology Practice,
Bristol, England

Dear Friend

We are at a unique time in human history, where scientific insights provide us with a deeper understanding of the mind–body relationship. The integration of this knowledge reveals to us our vast and powerful innate abilities—abilities as yet unrealised or untapped in most of us.

Without over-stating the facts, the evidence from the frontiers of research is that when we fully realise the power of our minds and expand our consciousness accordingly, our potential explodes, and is perhaps even limitless.

Our beliefs are the measure of how much of this potential we can access, what we can achieve, how exceptional we can be, how deeply we are fulfilled—and just about everything that determines who we are and the quality of our lives.

The thing is, do you know what you believe?

You may get motivated and think to yourself;

“I want to earn £100,000 — or become a millionaire.

I want to create a great business or get that high flying job.

I want to live the lifestyle of my dreams and work when I want.

I want a happy fulfilling passionate relationship.

I want to be my ideal weight, fit and healthy.

I want to feel like i’m living my life with a purpose.”

“YES” you say that CONSCIOUSLY…BUT…

Do you believe that deep down in your Subconscious Mind?

do you know what you believe

new beliefs iceberg

Let’s quickly define what a belief is:

Your beliefs create and control how you perceive the world. The way you perceive the world drives your emotional responses and thinking patterns to events and interactions, which in turn governs the actions you take and ultimately the quality of life you create.

The fact is that if you have ever had a goal or desire in any area of your life and have fallen short of achieving it or given up on it, then barring a trauma or illness, you can almost always find the fundamental reason for this lack of success is a set of self-limiting beliefs.

The BIG Problem is the Conflict Between Your Conscious and Subconscious Mind

You have two aspects to your mind; your conscious and subconscious. These two aspects have different functions;

Your conscious mind is the mind you use to plan your week, try to be positive, use your will power, set your goals and make some decisions from.

Your subconscious mind controls all the automatic functions of your body and is your storehouse for your learned habits and behaviours, judgements and most of your decisions.

Most of your beliefs and emotional reactions are stored at the subconscious level of your mind. Take the quick test below and see…

new con sub icerberg


Quick Test: Conscious Mind or Subconscious Mind.

Have a look at the chart of emotions. Ask yourself;

1) How many of the emotions in the left hand column do you experience on a daily basis?

2) How much of that is you consciously choosing to experience those emotions? Or do you just seem to have those emotions on autopilot?

Astonishingly, 95–99% of all your beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions determining your success or failure each day are governed by learned programs
in your subconscious mind.

Your Life is On Auto Pilot

“As much as 99% of cognitive activity may be nonconscious”

Dr Emmanuel Donchin PhD.

Director of the Laboratory for Cognitive Psychophysiology at the University of Illinois

Based on my experience as a performance psychologist with my unique system, I have tested the subconscious mind of 1000’s of people. I have found that pretty much all of us have self-limiting beliefs and emotional reactions that are holding us back from realising the fullness of our personal potential and abilities in all aspects of life:

  • Self-Esteem

  • Relationships

  • Finances

  • Prosperity

  • Health and Fitness

  • Work and Career

  • Sports Performance

  • Self-Healing Abilities

The thing is you know that already don’t you?

It’s the negative inner voice telling you, you cant, you are not good enough, smart enough or know enough to be successful. These inner voice battles make you feel insecure and doubt your ability to achieve your dreams and goals.

The GOOD NEWS is: these voices and feelings are just ‘old patterns’ of electro-chemical activity that can be quickly and powerfully repatterned, just like changing the software programs on your computer can be by pushing the right buttons in the right order.

If you want a quick insight into what your subconscious beliefs are right now look at
your life.

  • What’s your financial situation like?
  • How happy are you?
  • How healthy and fit are you?
  • What is the quality of your personal and professional relationships like?
  • How’s your career going?
  • How much do you feel you are living your life with a purpose?
  • How do you feel about the environment you live in?

Subconscious beliefs are constantly running in the background of your mind either sabotaging
your desires and motivation or directing and guiding you to make your goals happen.

Either you learn to change your self-limiting beliefs and stress based autopilot emotional
reactions or you keep getting more of the same.

“The Gamma Mindset is a wonderfully effective tool for personal growth, I highly recommend this as a guide for experiencing a life overflowing with success, peace, happiness and love.”

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD.

Cell Biologist and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles.

“This life changing system enabled me to achieve top results, including publishing an article in the Harvard Business Review and setting up a thriving consulting business”

Vlatka Hlupic

Professor of Business and Management, University of Westminster London

“In over 40 years of coaching world class athletes and business executives to perform at their best, Chris’s Gamma Techniques are the most powerful and effective I’ve used.”

Ole Bloch

1980 Moscow Olympian and Executive Coach. Founder of the Institute of Management Coaching International.

The Gamma Mindset Creates the Peak Brain State to Access your Subconscious Mind in Just 90 Seconds!

brain waves horizontal
As we think, feel, take action and sleep, the electrical activity of the brain creates different frequency brain waves. These brain waves relate to different states of consciousness. We have 4 types of brain waves in a 24 hour day and night cycle, from beta to delta.

There is also a 5th type of brain wave called the gamma wave but these are usually very weak and difficult to detect. When you learn to produce gamma brain waves you create what’s called ‘neural synchrony’. This fancy sounding scientific term simply means you activate more of your brains power as more of your brain cells ‘fire’ at the same time. This creates a higher state of consciousness and gives you access to information that is not normally available to you in normal waking states.

The Gamma Mindset Creates a ‘Peak Brain Signature’ of Gamma, Theta and Alpha Brain Waves.

In this Unique State of Consciousness, you can Integrate a New Positive Belief into Your Subconscious Mind in just 90 seconds !

Using the Gamma Mindset Technique on a Daily Basis Allows you to make Rapid and Profound Changes to Your Thinking Patterns, Self-Belief and Emotional Reactions which Inevitably Allows you to Make More Money, Have Amazing Relationships and Take Your Success to the Next Level.

Research into Gamma brain waves was conducted by Dr. Richard Davidson, a neuroscience professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He measured the brains of Buddhist Monks who had over 10,000 hours of meditation experience as they were performing a meditation.

He also measured a group of college students who were taught the same meditation. The Buddhists showed gamma brain wave activity, BUT the college students did not.

The Gamma Mindset Creates a Similar Brain Wave Signature to that of
Buddhists with Over 10,000 Hours of Meditation experience !

“Gamma Waves may be seen as the muscles of the brain. Whenever you really need to achieve the utmost, physically or mentally, gamma waves are called for. Gamma training increases energy levels, willpower and is the most effective way to increase a person’s ability to focus. In the Gamma state you have a very lucid mind and a penetrating focus, which sharpens your intuition and creativity.”

Dr.Eric Hoffman PhD

Director Mental Fitness and Research Center in Copenhagen.

“Chris is a leading expert in this cutting edge science and the Gamma techniques he teaches create deep change in your brain and body and give you the power to tailor your own destiny.”

Kazadi Kalangu M.D.

Brain Surgeon and Professor of Neurosurgery. Vice President of the world Federation of Neurosurgical Societies.

“We have astonishing potential to change the autopilot behaviours and patterns we have fallen into. Using the right tools and intentions, the potential for change within our nervous system, within our entire physiology is tremendous”

Dr. Andrew Newberg MD

Neuroscientist and Brain Imaging Expert.

The Gamma Mindset has 3 Scientific Validations:

The Gamma Mindset has 3 Scientific Validations:

1. Brain Scans Study.

24 Delegates Brains were Measured Whilst Doing The Gamma Mindset Technique.

Each Delegate Showed an Increase in Gamma, Theta and Alpha Brain Waves and a Reduction in Beta Waves in Just 90 Seconds!

This is a Scientific Breakthrough in Personal Change Techniques – No Other Technique Creates this Peak Brain Signature!

2. 1000’s of Bio-Feedback Pre and Post Muscle Tests.

1000’s of People Have Had Pre and Post Tests using The Gamma Mindset which Show Changes in the Subconscious Mind in Less Than 2 Minutes!

3. Using Cutting Edge Technology from Russian Scientists called Electro-Photonic Imaging.

This Shows the Changes The Gamma Mindset Makes to Your Energy, Stress and Your Personal Energy Signature.

Here is a Pre-Scan Showing the Person’s Stress is High and Energy is Low.

The High Stress and Low Energy Creates Gaps, Imbalances and a Lack of Coherence in the Person’s ‘Personal Energy Signature’.

This is the Persons Scan after a few minutes of going into the Gamma Mindset to Program a New Belief into Their Subconscious Mind.

You Will See their Stress has Returned to Normal and their Energy Has Gone into the Optimal Range.

This is their ‘Personal Energy Signature’ after a few minutes of going into the Gamma Mindset to Program a New Belief into Their Subconscious Mind.

You Will See No Holes or Gaps and a Fuller Stronger More Coherent Field Being Broadcast From Every Cell of Their Body.

Your Personal Energy Signature is Your Unique Vibration – ‘Your Vibes’.

This is Your Physical, Mental, & Emotional Vibes You Broadcast into Quantum Field 24 Hours a Day.

The Coherency of Your ‘Personal Energy Signature’ has a Huge Impact on What Shows Up in Your Life and the Type of Life You Create.

What You Gain from Using The Gamma Mindset Program

  • Remove Subconscious Limiting Beliefs, Self-Sabotaging Habits and Blocks to Success that Stop You Achieving Your Goals and Desires.
  • Encode New Empowering Belief Systems, Goals and Intentions into Your Subconscious Mind to Maximise Your Results.
  • Access Information That is Not Available to You in Normal Waking States Where You Find Answers to Your Problems and the Best Way Forward For You.
  • Create a Profound Relaxation and Healing Response in Your Body and Unleash a New Level of Vitality.
  • Rapidly Eliminate the Stressful Emotions That Keep You Anchored in the Past; Worry, Fear, Doubt, Lack of Confidence, Procrastination, Feelings of Not Being Good Enough, Clever Enough or Worthy.
  • Achieve a Heightened State of Awareness and Intuition.
  • You Will Create a Deeply Integrated Sense of Confidence, Self-motivation and Optimism About You, Your Abilities and Your Future.

The Gamma Money Mindset Program ©

A 30 Day Program for a Comprehensive Upgrade to Your Subconscious Mind in 5 Mins per day.

Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs, Fear, Self-Doubt and Anxiety about Money and Wealth.

Eliminate Hidden Self-Sabotage Programs to Money and Wealth.

Clear Your Financial Subconscious Money Set-Point.

Section 1 – Clearing Blocks to Self Belief and Confidence and Integrating the Core Beliefs.

Session 1 – Clearing Blocks to Change

At some level most people have learned to believe that change is hard, difficult and painful. Whilst sometimes change can be hard – as in a relationship breakup, making personal changes in your attitude, self-belief and ability to achieve your goals is easier than ever before.

In a world changing as fast as ours, if we want to be healthy, happy and successful, being able to flow and thrive with change is essential. This starts by having empowering subconscious beliefs and thinking patterns about your ability to change.

Session 2 – Clearing Blocks to Money and Wealth

Let’s face it we all would like more money. Money gives us more choices and a better lifestyle. So many people have limiting beliefs about having more money, deserving more money, being able to create more money and so on. Integrating these beliefs changes your relationship to money and you see it more as another form of energy without any negative associations. This is the first step to having more money in your life and having the improved lifestyle that it brings.

Session 3 – Clearing the Fear of Failure and Success

Many people, perhaps all of us at some level have a fear of failure. A small bit of fear here is a good thing – to get to us take action, but intense feelings of failure have to be eliminated  if you want to be successful. Interestingly over the years of testing 1000’s of people it is amazing to see how many people have a block to being successful.  This guided video session allows you to clear both in minutes.

Section 2 – Gamma Subconscious Re-Programming to Maximise Your Results and Success

Sessions 1 and 2 – Money and Wealth

In 1000’s of people I have not tested one person who does not have some sort of block to money and wealth. I have seen multi-millionaires on my couch that still have blocks to making more money !  Step 1 to making more money is to eliminate all the fears, doubts, deservedness, can / cant, good enough / not good enough, don’t know how to… etc and update your subconscious beliefs about money and then you can flow with new ideas to make it happen.

Session 3 – Your Subconscious Financial Set-Point

The Biggest Block to You Making the Money You Want is Your Subconscious Financial Set-Point. Your subconscious financial set-point is an amount of money where your Subconscious Mind says; ‘No You Can’t’!
You do not believe you can make that amount at the subconscious level of your mind. This means your subconscious mind is not working for you to help you achieve your financial goals and desires. That makes things very hard work. If one of your goals and desires is to make a lot of money and be financially comfortable, the
changing your subconscious set point is essential.

Section 3 – 1:1 Coaching to Guarantee You Get the Results You Want !

You get special access to performance psychologist Chris Walton PhD. For the 30 day period of the course you can receive Q&A coaching to guarantee you get exactly the change you want and need to increase your success.

Chris has coached 7 x World Champions, 3 World Record Holders, Olympic athletes and 1000’s of Business Owners and Leaders to Optimal Health and Peak Performance. He lectures on the MBA programme at the University of Westminster Business School and has coached in over 25 blue chip companies over the last 20 years.

Plus Bonus Module

Bonus – The Excellent Communicator

The majority of our verbal and non verbal communication is run from your subconscious system. We would all benefit from updating these vey early programs to maximise our ability to communicate with clarity and confidence with anyone anywhere personally and professionally.

Additional Tool

EFT-x Free Flow – Guided tuition to Clear Any Fear or Block in Any Area of Your Life.

This session allows you to clear any specific fears, self-doubt, feeling of not being able, feeling of not being good enough or worthy enough, smart enough etc Becoming free of your autopilot emotional stressful reactions is probably one of the greatest gifts you can do for yourself. Not only do you access more brain power, the energy that was being used for a stress response is now used for higher awareness and an expansion of your potential.

Risk Free Guarantee

10 Day Money Back Guarantee

The Gamma techniques and principles Chris will coach you through are scientifically validated and life changing. They change the way your brain and mind works and allow you to access a whole new stage of your potential.Chris uses these techniques in his 1:1 performance psychology practice every week and teaches them in workshops around the world.

Now you get the chance to learn, apply and receive the huge benefits these techniques bring to your life in your own time, in your own privacy at your own pace. Tens of thousands of people from all walks of life have made spectacular life changes using them!

So, make a decision to maximise who you are, what you’re capable of, and what you want to enjoy out of your life. If you start the program and don’t feel like it is working for you, you can return the entire system at no cost to you within 10 days of purchase.

Here’s What’s Included in the Complete

30 Day Gamma Money Mindset Program

2 Key Life Modules Complete with Guided Video Sessions for Each Module $447

(Videos and PDF guides so you know exactly what to do and when)

Subconscious Re-Programming Sessions $297

(Advanced sound technology guided audio sessions)

Additional Tool to Eliminate Any Fear! $67

(EFT-x Free Flow)

Special Bonus – The Excellent Communicator  $97

(Guided Audio Session)

Q and A Coaching Access To Chris Walton $1197

(Get your questions answered)

Priority Support As and When You Need It Most

Exclusive Members Only Access


SAVING TODAY (90%) – $1908


Gamma Money Mindset Program

Payment Plan
  • 2 X $109

  • Get started on The Gamma Money Mindset Program for just $109 and only 1 more payment of $109. (First payment charged immediately).

This product is available via private members area and digital download. No physical products shipped.

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