This is me in 2011 with 6 electrodes on my scalp measuring my brain activity with an E.E.G (electroencephalogram – a brain activity measuring instrument).
This was when The Gamma Mindset Technique was born.
In 2011 I was invited to a neurofeedback (brain training ) clinic in Harley Street in London to have my brain waves measured in exchange for a 1:1 belief change coaching session.
At first it wasn’t that interesting. I basically relaxed and listened to sounds and focused my mind on the sounds and then we saw what was happening in my brain. After the 30 minute session was over i could see what the activity of my brain was doing but to be honest it wasn’t that useful. An interesting experience but not really any big Aha’s.
I swapped roles and did my belief change session with the neurofeedback clinician. She was amazed at the limiting belief blocks we found and was very pleased with the changes we did.
Light bulb moment…
I then had the idea of measuring brain activity when I was performing the integration phase during the belief change technique.
This is when things became exciting …
What I expected was to see a relaxed brain with the matching brain waves of a relaxed brain mainly alpha rhythms.
Well we did see this but we also saw something much more remarkable…
After just 60 – 90 seconds of deep immersion into the technique we saw huge powerful Gamma brain waves lighting the brain up like an orchestra in full symphony.
The neurofeedback clinician was amazed as she had never seen such a brain signature. She made me do various tests to make sure the measurements were accurate and each time we got the same brain activity read out;
- Dominant Gamma waves showing a highly synchronised brain state creating a peak state of consciousness.
- Followed by high levels of Theta brain waves showing a deeply relaxed brain and body.
- Then Alpha which we create when we are relaxed and calm.
- The least active brain wave was Beta which is created when we are wide awake, very busy, active and stressed.
This technique was creating high amounts of Gamma waves meaning more of my brain was lighting up at the same time and working as one known as ‘Brain Synchronisation’
High Theta waves (the brain and body are deeply relaxed) this is an Optimal Brain State for programming your subconscious mind and awakening higher levels of potential to manifest in you.
Wow this is amazing!
But hang on, perhaps it’s just me, I’ve done a fair bit of brain training over the years using advanced sound technology, so maybe I’ve got a well trained brain.
Enter my nephew, James…
He was 21 at the time and a student who had not done any meditation or personal development practices, so a good subject to see what happens in his brain…
The clinician wired him up, did all the pre tests and then I instructed him through the simple process. Sure enough he got the same brain signature; Gamma, Theta, Alpha then Beta.
Now I’m getting very excited, I’m onto something here…
Anyway I didn’t do anything with this data until 6 months later when I had the chance to do some more brain measurement in Croatia with a friend of mine. He is an electrical engineer and had just returned from a ‘Brain Measurement’ certification course in the USA.
My friend had a new different E.E.G from the one we used in London. Again we saw the same Gamma, Theta, Alpha readout and this E.E.G showed a complete balance between the right and left hemispheres.
Over the next few years we tested more subjects and saw the same results. Such a simple technique that creates such a powerful brain signature that allows you to rapidly improve the way you think, feel and act and ultimately the amount of potential you can express.
So that’s how The Gamma Technique was born.
In The Gamma Mindset Program you use the ‘GMT’ to;
• Update and encode new empowering belief systems, goals and intentions into your subconscious mind and every cell of your body for maximum success.
• Achieve a heightened state of awareness and focus.
• Learn how to turn your stress response off and become relaxed, calm and ultra-focused in 60 – 90 seconds. This is the perfect technique to use before meetings, presentations and important conversations.
• Find solutions to your problems. Activate the genius centres of your brain and have new ideas and see new opportunities.
• Create a Profound Relaxation and healing response in your body and unleash a new level of vitality.
• Get Yourself into peak performance states known as The Zone or Flow
Are you ready to apply it to your life?
Sign up for the Gamma Mindset Masterclass Below.