A Masterclass with Dr Chris Walton PhD
Doctor of Integrative Medicine and Performance Psychologist

Imagine You Could Flick a Switch in Your Mind and

Simply Remove any Limiting Beliefs, Anxiety,

Fear and Self – Doubt.

Through Scientific Research we now have that Switch

It is called:

The Gamma Mindset©

Scientifically Proven to Increase Self-Belief, Confidence, Performance, Focus + Well-Being with Rapid Reprogramming of the Subconscious Mind.

Dr Chris Walton has coached 7 x World Champions, 3 World Record Holders, Olympic Athletes and 1000’s of Business Owners and Leaders to Optimal Health and Peak Performance.

Gamma Mindset pdf

Sign Up for FREE Access to the Gamma Mindset Experience.

Dr Chris Walton Will Guide You through a Gamma Mindset Session to:

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Create Positive Change + Success !

Also Includes the Gamma Mindset pdf Guide Book

“Chris is a leading expert in this cutting edge science and the Gamma techniques he teaches create deep change in your brain and body and give you the power to tailor your own destiny.”
Professor Kazadi Kalangu M.D

Brain Surgeon and Professor of Neurosurgery

“The Gamma Mindset is a wonderfully effective tool for personal growth, I highly recommend this as a guide for experiencing a life overflowing with success, peace, happiness and love.”
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD.

Cell Biologist and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles.

“This life changing system enabled me to achieve top results, including publishing an article in the Harvard Business Review and setting up a thriving consulting business”

Professor Vlatka Hlupic PhD

Professor of Business and Management, University of Westminster London

Meet Dr Chris Walton PhD

Chris is a Doctor of Integrative Medicine and a Performance Psychologist who specialises in mind and body health optimisation, personal change and peak performance.

Chris is the 2 x Best-Selling author of:

The Gamma MindsetCreate World Champion Self-Belief in 5 Minutes Per Day.

Peak Performance in 60 SecondsThe 4 Essentials to Maximise Your Energy, Resilience and Performance.

From over 30 years of research and exploration, Chris has created a cutting edge system to optimise the mind and body to maximise energy, performance and success.

Dr Chris Walton New Image

The foundation for Chris’s PhD work was The Gamma Mindset Technique©. This technique creates a ‘peak brain state’ in just 60 seconds allowing for rapid subconscious mind ‘reprogramming’. Chris measured the effects of this technique on people’s mindset, over a 14 year period.

It is the only technique in psychology that is scientifically proven to increase confidence, self-belief and performance.

You can use The Gamma Mindset Technique© to reprogram the mind, recharge and energise the mind and body, start the day in a peak brain state, and with guided meditations to expand your consciousness.

What You Gain from Creating The Gamma Mindset ©

  •  Program Your Mind so You Have Rock Solid Self-Belief + Confidence as your baseline state of being.
  • Remove Subconscious Limiting Beliefs, Self-Sabotaging Habits and Blocks to Success that Stop You Achieving Your Goals and Desires.
  • Program New Empowering Belief Systems, Your Goals and Desires into Your Subconscious Mind to Maximise Your Results and Success.
  • Program Your Mind for Financial Abundance.
  • Develop Robust Physical, Mental and Emotional Resilience to Have Consistent, Productive Successful Days.
  • Rapidly Eliminate the Stressful Emotions That Keep You Anchored in the Past; Anxiety, Worry, Fear, Self-Doubt, Lack of Confidence, Procrastination, Feelings of Not Being Good Enough, Clever Enough or Worthy.
  • Eliminate Fatigue, Lethargy and Overwhelm.
  • Create Boundless Energy and Optimal Health.
  • You Will Create a Deeply Integrated Sense of Confidence, Drive, Self-motivation and Optimism About You, Your Abilities and Your Future.
Gamma Mindset pdf

Sign Up for FREE Access to the Gamma Mindset Experience.

Dr Chris Walton Will Guide You through a Gamma Mindset Session to:

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Create Positive Change + Success !

Also Includes the Gamma Mindset pdf Guide Book