Boost Your Mind to Mind Connection Power
In a study done in Mexico by Professor Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberaum and Dr Julieta Ramos…
Pairs of volunteers in separate rooms were wired up so their brain waves could be measured. They were asked to ‘tune in’ to each other’s presence at specific, but randomly selected, times. During the time they were focusing (which means they simply directed their thoughts and attention to the other person), their brain waves became synchronised and matched each others. During the non-focus times they were not synchronised and didn’t match.
This is a mind to mind energy connection that becomes visible to us by the matching brain wave patterns.
The researchers noticed that the person who had the most coherent brain waves, (meaning balanced brain waves working in unison, as opposed to erratic brain waves shown when you have a busy mind) entrained the other persons brain waves to match theirs.
A coherent brain puts you in a state of flow where all of you is moving in the same, and the right direction like a laser beam. You have a very focused mind, you are emotionally balanced, you think clearly, feel energised and perform well.
AND…The more coherent your brain waves, the more of a positive influence you can have on others by bringing balance and efficiency to their brain activity.
On the energetic level, the more coherent your ‘personal energy signature’, the stronger influence you have on the energy and information field of all potentials. This means you have greater ability to manifest your goals and create the future that you want.
So how do you do it?
The Gamma Mindset Technique has been scientifically validated to create coherent brain waves in just 90 seconds. Activating this state for just a few minutes every day has tremendous benefits to the way you think, feel and act.