Chris is a leading expert in this cutting edge science and the Gamma techniques he teaches create deep change in your brain and body and give you the power to tailor your own destiny.
Chris’s techniques get your mind where it needs to be to succeed.
I highly recommend Chris’s work if you want to perform at your best.
The Gamma Mindset is a wonderfully effective tool for personal growth.
I highly recommend this as a guide for experiencing a life overflowing with success, peace, happiness and love.
Working 1:1 with Chris and using his online Gamma Mindset sessions was the most effective personal change work I have done in over 35 years of development work.
It allowed me to develop the deep down self-belief and resilience to achieve my goals.
I healed from a serious illness, created a thriving consultancy business and published a paper in the Harvard Business Review.
I highly recommend Dr Walton’s work !
I had some belief change coaching with Chris and years on I am still receiving the benefits.
The stress I used to feel running a multinational organisation no longer rises as I access flow states easily.
This gives me more energy and allows me to make the best decisions.
If you want resilience and peak performance, go see Chris.
Chris found a subconscious block and cleared it allowing me to be freer and more in flow.
It’s an amazing process.
Chris sessions are really at the cutting edge of personal change.
When I made the changes at the subconscious level it made it much easier and natural for me to access a state of flow every day.
I was so impressed with Chris’s methods I asked Chris to be in my new movie; The Grand Self, as his work is inspirational and gets people the change they want really quickly.
These sessions have helped me become clear on what I want or need, and more importantly helped to reprogram my beliefs to allow this to manifest simply and easily in my life.
It has made me feel more balanced, fulfilled and at peace with myself which no doubt makes me a better doctor for my patients.
Chris’s coaching helped me stay focused throughout my intense training programs and this really helped me become world champion and world number 1.
Chris was an integral part of my training team when I won the World Kickboxing Championship.
His sessions helped me stay focused and in the zone.
Chris’s coaching got me mentally and physically fully prepared for my goal.
The personalised protocol he gave me enhanced my energy and mindset which allowed me to stay focused for long periods at the helm.
This was a key component to getting the world record.
Chris’s coaching increased my energy, reduced my stress and really boosted my self-belief, focus and drive.
Chris’s coaching helped me re-gain my self-belief, confidence and focus really quickly after a knee operation had kept me out of the game for 6 months.
This helped me rapidly achieve peak performance and reclaim my world number 1 spot.
Being coached by Chris was quite mind blowing – literally.
His Gamma Techniques are the most powerful and effective methods of mindset and behaviour change I have ever experienced in over 50 years of coaching experience.