In this post I address the myth of “it takes 21 days to change a habit”.

It’s a myth and it’s been something that’s been believed and propagated along the journey by lots of personal development guru types.

So it started with the book called; Psycho Cybernetics, written in 1960, by a plastic surgeon called Maxwell Maltz.

Dr. Maltz found that when he was doing reconstructive plastic surgery, it took people around three weeks to get used to the looking in the mirror, to the new shape of face and different look.

It took them about three weeks to emotionally ‘adjust’ to the new look. That’s it. Then personal development salesmen, make a huge leap of faith and say; – ‘It takes 21 days to change your habit.’

That’s where it started and that was the leap.

It is total nonsense. Using the right techniques you can change your habits in minutes. You can change a negative emotion oe theme that you’ve been feeling for 10, 20, 30, 40 years in minutes with the right technique.

With the right tools, you can clear that pattern and change that within five minutes no matter how long you have it.

So 21 days is just plain wrong and never was right.

As always we have to be very careful about what we believe and don’t believe…