EFT-x is an Energy Psychology Technique that is the most effective way to eliminate negative emotions.

It has been in the personal development world since the late 90s.

I was one of the pioneers of EFT in the UK starting back in 1999.

I’ve done thousands of 1:1 sessions over the years. It is very effective at clearing negative stress and reprogramming the brain and nervous system so that those stress reactions do not activate again.

One of the great things about EFT is the simplicity.

You focus on the negative emotion you are experiencing and simply tap the tap the 10 sets of acupuncture points whilst focusing on the negative emotion.

In this post I first describe the ‘How and Why’ it works and then you can do a free session if you wish. If you want to jump straight to the free session scroll to the bottom and click the link.

Energy Fields and the Human Body…

For more than 5,000 years, eastern medical systems have recognized the reality that the human body uses energy fields to function.

The most well formulated theory is of the Chinese meridians system.

These are vessels or channels of energy that circulate throughout the body carrying and regulating vital energy.

They are accessed through acupuncture points at the skin level.

The western medical establishment finally caught up with the Chinese in 1995, as the existence of energy channels running in the body exactly where the Chinese plotted them was confirmed by experiment.

Dr. Pierre de Vernejoul and his team injected a non-toxic radioactive tracer dye into the legs of his volunteers at the commonly used acupuncture points of the meridian system. He then used gamma camera imaging to trace the flow of the dye.

His team found that the radioactive dye travelled specifically along the clearly defined meridian network that the Chinese have been using for thousands of years.

When the dye was injected elsewhere in the body, randomly and not at known acupuncture points, it did not move along any specific pathway.

This work began a period of more intensive study by other researchers of the meridian system, which Chinese medical doctor Ted Kaptchuk described as

“an invisible network that links together all the relevant substances and organs  of the body”.

In another scientific validation of the acupuncture meridians, professor of physics Zang-Hee Cho, from the University of California, Irvine, discovered that pressure on the vision-related acupuncture points on the outside of the foot almost instantaneously activates the visual cortex in the brain, as measured by a functional brain scan.

See Figure 1.0 below.

In fact, acupuncture needling these specific points on the foot had the same impact on the brain as shining a torch light into the participant’s eyes!

The speed of this energy transfer is far too fast for to be conducted by nerve impulses. Many studies have shown that the meridian pathways are low resistance pathways for the flow of electricity.

Figure 1.0: Research showed that stimulating acupuncture points on the foot that were said by the Chinese to stimulate the eyes and vision did indeed stimulate the visual cortex, even though there is no known mechanism in traditional medicine or biology to explain this cause-effect phenomenon.
As Dr James Oschman concludes,

” The meridians then are simply the main channels or transmission lines in the continuous molecular fabric of the body.”

Research at Harvard Medical School by Dr Bruce Rosen showed that needling an acupuncture point on the hand known as Large Intestine 4, which is believed to help ease pain, caused immediate blood flow changes to the amygdala and related areas of the brain that correlate with pain, mood and cravings.

The reduction in blood flow to these areas lead to an increase in endorphins, the brains natural pain relieving pleasure chemicals. 

Other research  showed that activating specific acupuncture points correlated with enhanced serotonin secretion. Serotonin is our feel-good chemical!

This research and other studies have shown without a doubt that activating particular acupuncture points correlates to specific effects in precise areas of the brain.

Tapping in specific acupuncture points can calm deep brain structures, such as the limbic system.

When the limbic system is activated, your nervous system initiates a body-wide fight-or-flight response, which induces stress and causes your prefrontal cortex, one of your higher thought centres, to go ‘offline’ temporarily.

To maximise your health, happiness and success, you want to remove as many of these stressors from your subconscious memory banks as possible.

Tapping the proper points is all that it takes to produce excellent results !

Psychological issues, fears, anxieties and other stressors create a disturbance in the bodies’ electrical systems and some of the meridians can “seize up” like a kink in a garden hose.

Tapping the acupuncture points stimulates the mechano-receptors on your skin.

These receptors respond to mechanical forces, such as tapping, by transferring signals from the sense organs to the respective nerve centres of the brain.

If you recall an emotional problem and begin tapping the proper acupuncture point, signals are sent to your brain, and the pathways associated with this emotional problem are disrupted, the neuro-chemical endorphins (endorphins are 27 times more powerful than morphine!) are released and the energy is diffused and re-imprinted so that the pathways will not be activated in the same way again.

Here are the 10 points used in the EFT-x Process.

EFT is the most effective technique to clear emotional stress;

Anxiety, Depression, Fear, Self-Doubt and All Negative Emotional Stress.

  • There are over 100 peer reviewed studies on the effectiveness of EFT.
  • A study published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, found that EFT lowered cortisol significantly more than traditional talk therapy or resting.
  • EFT Lowers the Stress Hormone Cortisol by 43%.
  • 90% Drop in PTSD Symptoms after 6 weeks of EFT Treatment.
  • After the 6 weeks, 90% of participants who received EFT no longer met the criteria for PTSD.
  • The group that received standard talk therapy only 4% no longer met the criteria for PTSD, 96% of that group remained clinically diagnosable with PTSD.
  • 20 studies with 446 people showed an average depression symptom reduction of 41%.
  • EFT activates positive health genes.
  • In one study the genetic expression changed in 72 genes implicated in improving health.
  • Immunity genes were switched on and inflammation genes were switched off.


Studies using EFT have been done on:

General anxiety and specific anxiety, phobias, OCD, trauma, physical pain, PTSD, addictions, food cravings and all types of emotional and psychological stress.


OK, so that’s some of the ‘How and Why’ it works.

Using EFT-x allows you to eliminate any negative stress based emotions, allowing you to think clearly and move forward in a state of flow with all of your skills, knowledge and experience easily accessible to you.