When we talk about personal change or mindset change, mostly what we mean is we want to feel different.

We want less negative feelings, anxiety, fear, lack of belief, self-doubt, etc and more positive feelings, confidence, courage, feel good, self-belief, wellbeing.

We want these positive states of mind so that we can maximise what we do and what we can achieve.

More often than not, to achieve this we need to ‘update’ our mindset on both the emotional and subconscious belief level.

We need to clear the autopilot negative emotions and reprogram new empowering subconscious beliefs.

This is the most effective way to get a real lasting mindset / behaviour or emotional change.

Sometimes this is straightforward, follow the process and you get the result.

Other times you need a bit more information to help you clear your ‘specific stuff’ and optimise your mindset to maximise your success. 

In these videos I explain the two main reasons for NOT getting the mindset change you want. 

#1 Not clearing the specific emotional block and reprogramming the specific subconscious beliefs.

#2 There are body and energy factors that highly influence your mindset that you need to be ware of.

I hope you find these videos helpful.


The iceberg image is a useful way to remind us of the power of our beliefs and how they heavily influence and even control our actions, thoughts and feelings.


Our beliefs create and control our perceptions. The way we perceive the world drives our emotional responses to events and interactions, which in turn governs the actions we take and, ultimately has a large affect on the outcome of events and interactions.’

What to Do When You Don’t Get the Mindset Change You Want…

How Your Body Effects Your Mindset…

Here are the 3 programs mentioned in the videos:

The Mind Body Mastery program includes the

Mastering Your Energy and Gamma Mindset

Free Flow programs.

Mastering Your Energy

Gamma Mindset Free Flow