Of all the wonders of the world, among the most wondrous is the human mind. The power of the mind is awe inspiring and we tend to think of its seemingly extraordinary capacities as miraculous.
We have all heard stories about the nearly unbelievable powers of the mind: orchestrating spontaneous remissions of disease through mind– body interactions, directing the body to display Herculean feats of strength in emergencies, marshalling astonishing powers of will and perseverance during extreme hard-ships, erupting in insights and epiphanies that pop up out of the blue and birthing the new and the novel through displays of creativity and inventiveness.
It’s no surprise, then, that in those quiet moments when we ponder the meaning of life and of our place in it, other than thinking perhaps how nice chocolate tastes and how stunning the sunset is, our ponderings often lead us to those deeper questions like:
What is the mind and how powerful is it?

#1. The mind is an energy and information field that flows through every cell of the body.
For many years it was believed that the brain was hardwired and fixed and that its growth was fully established by the time we reach adulthood.
Research from neuroscience now shows us this is not true.
We now know that our brains can continually learn, change, and create new neural circuitry throughout our entire lives. The brain’s adaptability and capacity for change is called ‘neuroplasticity’.
However this only happens when we have new thoughts, new perceptions, new belief systems, an increase in positive emotions and new experiences.
If you are always thinking the same things, running the same emotional autopilot reactions patterns and doing the same things your brain doesn’t need to create any new neural networks and you stay the same.
Understanding the brain doesn’t tell you more about your mind.
The mind is not the brain!
Frontier science is revealing the extent to which the mind must be thought of as an energy and information field that flows through every cell of the body and is broadcast beyond the body.
How thoughts and feelings travel around your body…
Our organs and muscular system are encased with a connective tissue called fascia. This connective tissue, when taken as a whole, is the largest organ of your body.

The Fascia System called; The Matrix System connects every cell of the body together.
The molecules in this connective tissue network are structured in a highly regular parallel fashion.
Molecules that have this type of structure are called ‘crystals’.
We tend to think of crystals as hard things like diamonds or quartz, and we do not think of our bodies as having crystalline properties, but they actually do.
When looked at under a microscope, these fascia structures reveal themselves to be soft, flexible liquid crystals, and we know from physics that crystalline structures are remarkable receivers of energy and information.
This crystalline structure connects all parts of the body, making for a system-wide channel of communication.
The information it carries is received not only from your cells, hormones and other biochemical substances, but also from your mind—your emotions, thoughts, perceptions and beliefs.
It’s why we can say that the mind–body can be thought of not as two separate but connected systems, but as one seamless system.
Our thoughts and feelings are waves of electromagnetic energy and information that permeate each and every cell in our mind–body system via this connective tissue crystalline matrix.
The crystalline matrix means that quite literally what we think and feel in large measure is what we become, as each of our 50 to 100 trillion cells receives and sends information at lightning speed throughout our mind–body, communicating with all other cells like a vast inner computer network.

As my friend and cellular biologist Dr Bruce Lipton PhD explains;
“Every cell is a programmable chip, and the nucleus of the cell is the hard disk with
programs. But, like a computer, it is the programmer that controls the disk, not the disk
that controls the programmer.”
We are the programmers.
These signals of our bodies work in a feedback loop with our brains, and both consciously and subconsciously govern our choices. Our choices, of course, drastically influence the condition of our lives.
The implications are immense.
As Dr Herbert Benson, pioneer of mind-body medicine, has said, after decades of research at Harvard Medical School and other places,

The fascia is known as the living matrix and is a systems-wide communication network, linking our thoughts, emotions and beliefs with our body, and vice versa.
The living matrix means that quite literally what we think and feel in large measure is what we become, as each of our 50 to 100 trillion cells receives and sends information at lightning speed throughout our mindbody, communicating with all other cells like a vast inner computer network.
As esteemed physics Professor John Hagelin PhD explains succinctly:

That’s quite mind-boggling isn’t it…
#2. On an individual level we have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind.

- Your Conscious and Subconscious minds have different functions.
- Your conscious mind is the mind you use to plan your week, try to be positive, use your will power, set your goals and make some decisions from.
- Your subconscious mind controls all the automatic functions of your body and is your storehouse for your learned habits and behaviours, judgements and most of your decisions.
- Most of your beliefs and emotional reactions are stored at the subconscious level of your mind.

#3. Your subconscious mind is 1 million times more powerful at processing information
than your conscious mind.
Now you can appreciate just how much of the world is being processed inside you that you are not aware of consciously. And you can also appreciate why it is important to access your subconscious to become aware of how the massive amounts of information you are storing there will be influencing your beliefs, actions and intentions, controlling the quality of your life.
Now here’s the real kicker:
What percentage of your day-to-day thoughts, feelings and actions are coming from your conscious choices, as compared to those that are learned programs and behaviours coming from your subconscious mind?
#4. “As much as 99% of cognitive activity may be non-conscious”.
As said by Dr Emmanuel Donchin, Director of the Laboratory for Cognitive Psychophysiology at the University of Illinois. The article “The Secret Mind – How Your Unconscious Really Shapes Your Decisions” by Marianne Szegedy-Maszak, published in U.S. News & World Report magazine (February, 2005), explains what this really means:
According to cognitive neuroscientists, we are conscious of only about 5% of our cognitive activity,
so most of our decisions, actions, emotions, and behaviour depend on the 95% of brain activity that
goes beyond our conscious awareness.
So consciously you may feel and think that you are in charge of the quality and direction of your life, the truth is that at a subconscious level you may be simply living out patterns and programs that you learned from others during your early life experience…
Now in your adulthood these outdated patterns may be taking you in the opposite direction from, or causing inner conflict against achieving your desires and goals.
Your subconscious software is like the software that runs on your computer.
You may have loaded many software programs when you first got your computer and now, many years later, you may be using only a few of them. However, the unused programs are still there, running in the
background, using electricity, energy and resources.
Your subconscious beliefs do the same—they run without you being aware of them, creating stress responses and limiting your confidence, optimism, motivation and therefore results.
This is why it is essential that as an adult you become aware of your subconscious programs, update them and align them with your conscious goals and desires.
So you may get motivated and think to yourself;
“I want to earn £100,000 — or a MILLION a year!
I want to create a great business or get that high flying job.
I want to live the lifestyle of my dreams and work when I want.
I want a happy fulfilling passionate relationship.
I want to be my ideal weight, fit and healthy…”
“Yes” you say with you Consciously Mind…
Do You Believe That Deep Down In Your Subconscious Mind?
#5. To make real empowering personal change you have to change the outdated
programs in your subconscious mind.
To be really clear, ‘outdated programs’ means your outdated limiting belief systems and autopilot negative emotional reactions that are controlling your life.

#6. Either you learn to change your self-limiting beliefs, emotional reactions and
unproductive habits, or you keep getting more of the same…
Exploring what you really believe in your subconscious mind and updating your beliefs and emotions to be in alignment with your conscious goals is one of the most powerful things you can ever do.
Everything is harder if your subconscious mind is not going the way you need it to.

#7. Updating your subconscious mind and clearing negative emotions is the key to
health, happiness and success.
Running your life with ‘outdated software’ such as subconscious limiting beliefs and autopilot negative emotions like, anxiety, fear and self-doubt is a sure way to make everything in your life harder and more stressful.
A daily Gamma Mindset session allows you to rapidly update your mind and clear your emotions so that all of you is moving in the right direction with clarity, confidence and purpose.
This could be your next step….